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Growing up, people labeled me as smart. And, I was a lucky one that was in the top reading and math group. I was told I was one who was capable of learning anything.

A friend of mine, whom I will call Johnny (names have been changed to protect the innocent), was put in the bottom reading group. He was told that his capability of learning was fixed and that he probably should take up a trade like brick-laying, because learning would be hard for him. There was little belief that Johnny could muster the brain power to ever be a top student.

Boy, did those school officials screw up. Little Johnny grew up to obtain a math scholarship, graduate from college, and go on to be upper management at a Fortune 500 company. He, too, was capable of learning anything.

What we now know is—“they” were wrong! Our brain’s ability is much more elastic than was previously imagined. We are all capable of learning and growth. There is no limit.

This is awesome news for all of us. Whether we were labeled a prodigy or a dud, we no longer have the excuse to hold onto that label. We are all learners and that is what allows us to grow and develop. And don’t let age be a factor either; old dogs can learn new tricks.

Carol Dweck’s book Mindset tackles this head-on. She claims that just being aware that we can learn grows our capacity to learn.

When we believe we can learn—we learn!

Being innovative means:

1) combining great ideas

2) seeing things from new perspectives

3) finding hidden gems

These things only happen when we are in a growth or learning mindset.

The best way to jumpstart innovation is to expand what you know.

Being an expert in your field is highly important and something I believe in greatly. But learning something new complements this like hot fudge on ice cream. How could that be wrong?

Are you someone who thinks linearly? Take a class in improv theater—there is no logical order there.

Are you someone who is scattered in their thoughts? What about taking a drafting class? You have to start with a foundation and build on top of it.

Want to think more creatively? What about pottery, book making, poetry, or dance?

Learn anything you choose.


Don’t have time. Bull Sh#@. The internet makes learning easy. Reading this article, hopefully you are learning something new. Some of the world’s leading educational institutions now offer free courses that any of us can take. Did I mention the word FREE here? No longer is the billion dollar price tag attached to premium education. Coursera is offering it for FREE.

Not interested in academic courses? There is a Youtube video on just about anything. Need to change the air filter on your furnace? There is a video for that. Want to learn to Cross Country Ski? A video for that too! (Watching the video doesn’t always translate into perfect form. You can ask my daughter about that. I still end up on my bum quite often, but at least I now understand the concept). Want to learn to knit? There are tons of videos for that.

Anytime you learn something new, you develop new neural pathways. These connections are what allow you to think new thoughts. If you aren’t actively learning, you aren’t growing, and that is a scary thought.

Steve Jobs credits some of his design theory to a calligraphy class he took while traveling abroad. He claims he would never have developed Apple the way that he did without that knowledge.

What have you always wanted to learn? What learnings have shaped your innovation? Tell me below.


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